Twinspirations: Awkward Black Girls (Part 1)

Stephanie and I were super awkward kids growing up. We were super shy, wore hand me downs,  had huge glasses, and frizzy hair.   We’d entertain ourselves by reading the encyclopedia for fun.

awkward children
Stephanie and I as children. We’re actually pretty cute in this picture.

As adults we’re still pretty awkward, but we embrace it!  While we’re not as shy, we still rock thrift store clothing proudly, and love our frizzy hair.

Stephanie and I as adults! Still cute, still awkward!

This week we’re celebrating our favorite Awkward Black Girls. Our first Awkward Queen is Tracey Gordon from Chewing Gum!

Chewing Gum is an audaciously funny British sitcom about a young woman coming of age in London. Created and starring Michaela Cole, Chewing Gum recently finished its second season on E4 in the UK, and on Netflix in the United States.


Tracey Gordon ( played by Michaela Cole)

Why we love her: We love that Tracey is so delightfully weird! She’s confident and speaks her mind. Sure, she can be a bit naive, and a little clueless. That’s what makes us love her more. Tracey is just trying to live her best life!

(Michela Cole as Tracey Gordon)

AlysshaRose doing her best Tracey Gordon impression.

Check back tomorrow for part 2 of Awkward Black Girls!


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